About the Author Leonnardo Andre, MD.

author Leonnardo Andre (pseudonym) is a Doctor of Medicine, with more than 30 years of experience in the practice of his noble profession. Leonardo lives in the United States of North America and has directed his work mainly towards the Hispanic community. El creé que el ser humano es una entity integral: cuerpo, mente y espíritu. “Los pacientes seek relief from their physical illnesses, but, above all, they seek to fill their emotional void; to receive a recognition of the people who matter to your life, and especially to your partner.”

“After a few years, in the practice of medicine, I saw the need to provide to my patients with a source of information that could help them to better understand and develop the aspect of sexuality in their personal lives.” “To my surprise I could not find a book that focuses on sexuality in a more comprehensive way. I was looking for a book, in simple language, that has credible scientific information, emphasize in improving communication, and especially that gave the greatest importance to “LOVE” as the engine that makes sexuality a human expression of such intensity and value.”

“Después de ya algunos años, en la práctica de medicina, ví la necesidad de brindar a mis pacientes una fuente de información, que les ayude a poder entender y desarrollar mejor, el aspecto de la sexualidad en su vida personal.” “Para sorpresa mía no pude encontrar un libro que enfoque la sexualidad en una forma mas integral. Buscaba un libro, en lenguaje sencillo, que tenga información correcta, científi ca y en especial que dé la mayor importancia a “el amor” como motor que hace de la sexualidad una expresión humana de tanta intensidad y valor.”